The Reason Why Network Marketing Business?
This article is translated from Unicore’s New Website. I thought it would be useful to refer to. A lot of facts and you all know I like facts. So here goes:-
1. Flexible time and place to work
This business can be build out of your working hours, in other words this business will not interfere with your career or your previous business. This is possible because you will be helped by unicore support system. And the most important thing is you can build this business step by step, without any risks, at the same time training you mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally to be a businessman catalyzed by a tested and proven system by unicore, the only thing you need to do is follow. Besides flexible time, you can also build this business anywhere and anytime. In a restaurant, on the train, on the plane, Airport, Station, Mall, In the university campus, swimming pool, anywhere you like.
2. Fulfilling and exceeding ALL economic laws
Economists have been advising us to take out the least amount of capital to get the maximum amount of profit. The fact is, this kind of business model does not exist in the world today. As the matter of fact is the business models this day use the maximum amount of capital to get (hopefully) not a deficit return. If there is a business model that requires a small amount of capital, with minimum risks, that does not need an outlet/office in a strategic locations, that does not require hiring of employees, applying for business license, we do not need a specific professional specialty or specific experience. You do not need to think about the break even point of Your new business, 2 years, 3 years or 5 years DO NOT NEED TO, isn’t that the kind of business model that is being referred to and advised by our Mr. Economists?
3. No Discrimination
This business is well known because of the following, there is no Discrimination about Sex, Religion or Race, in here you become one big family under Tiens that does not care about what your religion, skin color or race that you come from. But then there is a more important point that you have to take note of from all the discrimination that has been happening which is Intellectual Discrimination, in this business we do not get destroyed because of low IQ, low CGPA, experienced or otherwise, which University graduate are you from, and what were you majoring at. In this business we do not look at Your past, we are more concerned about Your future. We are not concerned about Your CGPA, we are more concerned whether you have a clear objectives in this business. Because successful people are people who have dreams added with a strong will to reach his dreams, not intelligence, not experience, not big capital.
4. AFTA 2003
2003 is the year where AFTA started, this means South East Asia scaled global market. The bad news is there will be a lot of visitors migrating to Malaysia later on, not just the Industrial Investors, but all kind of professions and traders. The question is, are we ready to compete with foreigners labeled as expatriates. So what does that have anything to do with MLM?, with the amount of foreigners that enters Malaysia from countless countries and countless professions gives the opportunity to offer this business to them, which have network out of Malaysia. You do not need to spend that much money to start a network overseas. The most amazing thing is you will be having business with whoever, from which ever country and all sorts of professions. This is the business that is the most prepared to face AFTA
5. Internet / e-Commerce
In developed countries like USA and Europe, this business is operated online via the Internet, You can sponsor new member without having to go out of your home, You can even check your network and Your bonus, without having to leave Your bed. You do not even have to go out of home to get the products that you need. This will happen in Malaysia soon. Unicore will also upgrade the features of this website to support us.
6. Extraordinary Potential
MLM is the most wonderful and powerful network marketing concept, due to the reasons below:
- Saves advertising fees
- Educating consumers
- Quick market penetration
- Free after sales services
- Safe from counterfeiting
- Business is run with enthusiastic work ethic by hundreds of thousands consumers that constantly consuming the products that they market. (Consumers which is also business people that claim this to be their personal business).
- Promotion using the most perfect media which is testimonials from people that has been believed by others far before doing MLM business.
- Compounding effect (n to the power of n).
- Business that can only be compared or overtaken by industrialists.
(8 hrs/day X 5 days/week X 50 weeks/year X 20 years X $20- = $800,000/20 years
(8 hours X 10,000 X $10) = $800,000/day
7. Worldwide Business (Expansions Capacity)
A lot of people have the perception that MLM is a petty business, unreal business, the fact is this business can expand to a lot of city, provices or state, islands or even a lot of countries, when we talk about countries aren’t we also talking about exports, doesn’t that mean that this is a multinational business, as when Tom Cruise makes a movie in Hollywood, but the movie can be watched by everyone in any country. One day You will have network in multinational without you knowing when and where it is happening. Imagine if You receive bonus with different currencies. Ladies and Gentlemen this is the real Global Business. It is now time for us to have business overseas, be a world scale businessman.
8. Business That Can Be Passed Down
Imagine, you are building a business network whereby the bonus can be passed down to our descendants, whether when you are still alive or not. This bonus will always be transfered by the company to someone with registered bank account number, period. So as long as these company exists and runs like companies like Levi’s, Coca Cola, McDonald’s, etc. the bonus will always be transferred to the account of whoever has the right to receive them. You work hard to give the right life to your descendants not limited to your child, or even grandchildren, and great grand children.
9. Trends of the year 2000 to 2018 (Last Wave)
Trends of the year 2000 to 2018 are such:
- Health food business
- Beauty (Anti Aging and Skin)
- Body Slimming
- Vitality
- Anti Oxidant (prevents cancer)
- Networking Business Concept (80%)
- Education/Information Business
- E-Commerce/E-business
Note: The above matters are predicted and admitted by people like John F. Naisbit, Philip Kotler, Robert T. Kiyosaki
10. Financial Freedom & Time Freedom (Passive Income)
There are 4 types of people we can see in life.
- We have a lot of time but do not have a lot of money
- We have a lot of money but do not have a lot of time
- We do not have a lot of time but do not have a lot of money as well
- We have a lot of time as well as money
What type of person are you right now?
This business can provide abundant time and money, without You having to look for them anymore, more popularly called Passive Income.
In this business You do not need to work forever, the character of the business is: You work you make money, You work you make money, You work you make money, You work you make money, You STOP working YOU make money, YOU make money, YOU make money, You make money, YOU make money, YOU make money, YOU make money, YOU make money, YOU make money………………
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